This page will help you managing your OAuth applications.

If you are running a team instance of Reviewpad it will be convenient to setup authentication to the code hosts via OAuth apps instead of asking users to manual create and add access tokens.

Assuming that your instance is running at https://SERVER_URL, you will be able to access the administrator panel for OAuth apps at https://SERVER_URL/admin/oauthapps.

Before you can add a new OAuth app to Reviewpad, you will need to register it with the code host.

GitHub OAuth App

Follow the official instructions to create a new GitHub OAuth App ↗︎ here.

The important bit is that on Step 8: Authorization callback URL you will need to put:


To add a new GitHub OAuth app to Reviewpad go to https://SERVER_URL/admin/oauthapps/new:

  1. Select ↗︎ as the Code Host Service
  2. Fill in the Client Id provided when you registered the GitHub App
  3. Generate a new Client Secret in the GitHub OAuth app and fill it in the Client Secret field
  4. Fill in the same exact Redirect Uri (https://SERVER_URL/sessions/authorized)that you used to register the OAuth app.

GitLab Group Application

Follow the official instructions to create a new GitLab Group application ↗︎ here.